Friday, September 14, 2012


By, Gaylon Barrow September 14

My fellow Americans. I address you in this manner for the days are numbered that this saying will apply. While America slept we destroyed America in November 2007 when Barrack Obama, the anti American and America, the "God Damn America", self proclaimed Muslim and a Radical Muslim at that. His wife, Michele backed him up on that comment by stating, "This is the first time I've ever been proud of America." She did not state proud of being an American. The atrocity of theses statements are that these two, along with their proteges have set out to destroy our beloved country.
      If you do not believe this comment then think about the last few days. Four Patriot Americans, one of them our Ambassador, were murdered, not by a mob as Obama so publicly stated a few minutes ago, and wishes for you to believe this, but were killed by a well commanded, controlled militarily maneuver. A mob is what we Americans endured in Los Angeles by people who only wished to loot and destroy not to avenge someone. A military operation has a penetration while the main attack comes from another direction. Thus the end of our Embassy in Libya.
      This look the other way President who wishes for you to do the same has looked away once more while all of our Embassies are under attack in every Muslim Brotherhood controlled Arab nation. How much more of this do you wish to take? Ask yourself, do you care for America? Once, and still is the greatest nation in the Free World. However to the disdain of the Obama's.
      When Egypt and Libya failed to form themselves a new world government Obama even stated he wanted the Brotherhood of Muslims to be the ones who gained control. One might ask why would he wish this. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure this one out. What has Obama done since taking office. Oh yeah, he was President when Bin Laden was killed by a long time plan initiated by the Seals under the go of past President George Bush Jr. Do you really believe Obama wished for this to happen. Not on your life he did. Obama has one plan with many backers. That plan is to destroy America's Constitution, weaken our military until we are the weakest point prior to WWII. Do you elderly people and WWII Veterans remember that period. We were totally caught unprepared to go to war at that time. Especially to fight two wars on two fronts. However, our forefathers managed and we prevailed. Why? Simply because they would not stand idly by taking one strike on the chin after another. They went to war to win. They would never have voted for the likes of an Obama who obviously was never vetted. Obama in the White House is a shame on all Americans be he White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red , etc.
      We must get this cancer out of the White House, close our borders and dang sure quit sending money to the Arab nations. God's Prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes and we are too stupid to realize it.
      Go on back to sleep now, and prepare to die a  miserable death. Does the thought of being buried to your eyeballs while being stoned to death appeal to you. THIS IS JIHAD. THEIR CALLING. ALL INFIDELS MUST DIE.

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