Sunday, September 2, 2012


Obama and supporters requesting Romney to release his taxes. WHAT IS HE HIDING? JUST THAT HE IS A BRILLIANT, ECONOMIC BUSINESS MAN. So he is successful and has money in Swiss banks. What does this mean to ignorant Obamanites. Unlike Obama it should be, that he is a man who knows WHAT THE HELL IS DOING. He released what was required in taxes. The IRS has the rest. I'm sure if something was wrong they would inform you since Obama has access to those records. POOR PITIFUL IDIOT. Ironic isn't it that the fake, biggest liar this country has ever seen, would ask such a thing when he has locked all his school records, birth certificates, Social Security Card acquired in the state of Colorado. A state he has never been in. USING A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD OF A DECEASED MAN WHOSE NAME WAS NOT OBAMA. JUST WHERE DOES THIS GANGSTER COME OFF?

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